A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF GOOGLE ANALYTICS 4 (GA4) approx 5 minute read This is not a how-to guide Before we begin, this is not a how-to guide. It’s an overview of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Written for business owners, managers, and marketers. For people that want a rundown...
approx 4 minute read Turn up the heat Ah, summer—the season of sunshine, quality time, and ice-cream-van chimes. On a side note, ice-cream-van music – Marketing genius! Anyway. Did you know that summer is also a fantastic time for businesses to turn up the heat on...
WHAT DO WE DO? It’s all in the almanac Here at Nettl we pride ourselves on being able to provide everything you need to successfully promote your business in the local area and beyond. Our journey with you could include Design & Branding, Printing, Exhibition...
THE SECRET TO EXCEEDINGLY EFFECTIVE EVENTS Exhibitions, trade shows, and events are great ways to find new clients, launch new products, and try out new things. They’re an investment. However, take the time to plan your show, and you could reap big rewards. To help...
YOU ARE WHAT YOU REPEAT approx 12 minute read It started with an email It started with an email from a travel operator. The type of travel agent which books your travel for you. That takes care of everything. The email had a great subject line and began with a...